What is bad breath?
Bad breath (‘halitosis’) is an unpleasant odour which can occur occasionally or be ongoing.

What causes bad breath?

There are may causes described below:

1) Poor dental health and oral hygiene:

By far the main cause of bad breath is inside the mouth. We have millions of bacteria that live in the mouth, particularly on the back of the tongue. These bacteria feed on the food debris that accumulates in the mouth and between our teeth and give off a sulphur compound which creates the bad odour.

Common causes of bad breath which can be treated by a dentist include:

Infection of the gums (‘Periodontal disease’ -see link to services) caused by bacteria (‘plaque’)
Decayed teeth (‘dental caries’); infection of the tooth by plaque
Dry mouth (‘Xerostomia’)  which is a reduced flow of saliva. This may be a side effect of various medications, salivary gland problems or continuous breathing through the mouth and leads to an accumulation of plaque and dead cells which decompose.
Poorly fitting or unclean dental appliances eg dentures
Fungal infections of the mouth
2) Unhealthy lifestyle habits

Smoking and alcohol

3) Other general health problems

Some causes of bad breath are relatively more rare and are non dental in origin. If it is confirmed that your mouth is healthy but you still have bad breath, you may be referred to your family medical practitioner to diagnose the cause. It could be any of the following:
Respiratory origin: eg: sinusitis, post nasal drip, bronchitis,  pneumonia.
Gastric origin: Problems within the stomach eg acid reflux.
Liver problems
Kidney problems

4) Types of foods eaten

All the food you eat begins to be broken down in your mouth. As foods are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, they are eventually carried to your lungs and given off in your breath. If you eat foods with strong odours (eg garlic or onions), brushing and flossing  and even mouthwash merely covers up the smell temporarily. The odour wont disappear completely until the foods have passed through your body.

How do i treat bad breath?

1) Improving your oral hygiene

This is the most effective way to eliminate bad breath. Brushing teeth and tongue twice a day using fluoride toothpastes, as well as flossing twice a day, will remove the bacteria which generally removes the odour. Dentures should be removed at night and cleaned thoroughly before being placed in your mouth the next morning. Mouthwashes generally only mask the smell temporarily;  physical removal of the plaque is required with brushing and flossing.

2) Visit the dentist at least twice a year. A thorough oral exam and clean will be carried out.  Conditions like dry mouth, periodontal disease, decay, or other problems that may be the cause of bad mouth odor can be detected and treated early.

3) Drink plenty of water which will keep your mouth moist.

4) Stop smoking and cut back on alcohol. Dentists can help you with this.

5) Eat a well balanced diet

6) Chewing sugar free gum after meal can help by stimulating saliva which helps wash away food particles and bacteria. Products sweetened with Xylitol are the best.

7) Use a saliva replacement product if it is confirmed you have dry mouth. There are many options we can discuss.